Time: 16 November
Place: Estetic filmclub, Estonian House, jazzclub, Wallingatan 34
Tickets: á 100 kr at place
17.30 Café
18.00 Film
18.53-19.30 Discussion with the filmdirector Helga Merits
Documentary "The story of the Baltic University"
DIRECTOR | Helga Merits
YEAR | 2015
LENGTH | 53 minutes...
LANGUAGE | Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian, English/ English subtitles
In a totally devastated northern German city during the fall of 1945, refugee professors of the Baltic countries that had lost everything created a university. Without a penny to their name, their idea miraculously became a plan for the Baltic University, which in March 1946 opened its doors. The story of the Baltic University is told by former students of the three Baltic countries through interviews, rare footage, documents and photos which reconstruct a picture of a unique institute that should not be forgotten.